Construction Underway for Florin Road Improvements
Florin Road has been identified in the City’s Vision Zero program as one of the roads with the highest number of fatal and serious crashes involving pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.
The City took immediate action to acquire federal funding to make safety improvements on the corridor on the following road segments:
- 24th Street to Tamoshanter Way
- Freeport Boulevard to South Land Park Drive

Latest Updates & What’s Next
Construction will likely begin in late fall. All improvements should be complete early in 2024. Please abide by all construction signage to ensure your safety and the safety of others.

Primary Improvements & Funding
This project is a needed safety improvement to address both vehicle and pedestrian collisions on the high-use corridor. The City received over $1.2 million in Highway Safety Improvement Funds from the Federal Highway Administration to design and construct improvements to the corridor.
Below are the planned improvements and their purpose. The improvements require some access to businesses and residences to be modified. The maps above outline important changes that are coming to your area in late fall/early winter this year.
Construct raised medians to close gaps in existing raised medians
Reduces turning conflicts with vehicles
Install pedestrian refuge islands
Provides a protected place to wait if someone is unable to cross the entire roadway during one signal cycle
Install pedestrian fencing
Encourages pedestrians to cross at signalized location
Construct two pedestrian signals with ADA-compliant curb ramps
Provide accessible crossings of Florin Road mid-block and near bus stops
Tamoshanter Way to 24th Street

South Land Park Drive to Freeport Boulevard

- HSIP‐9 Florin Road Safety Improvement Report
- Vision Zero Plan
- Introductory letter

Adjacent Projects
- Florin Road Signal Safety: Improvements at 7 intersections between Greenhaven Drive and 24th Street
- Status: In Construction
- Estimated Completion Date: April, 2024
- Florin Road Maintenance: Maintenance and intersection accessibility improvements between 24th street and Munson Way
- Status: estimated construction begin September 2023
- Estimated Completion Date: April, 2024
- Florin Road Vision Zero: Create a safe pedestrian and bike path between Regional Transit station and Luther Burbank Highschool
- Status: estimated construction begin July 2024
- Del Rio Trail: Trail Crossing at Freeport Boulevard
- Status: In Construction
- Estimated Completion Date: April, 2024

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© 2023 City of Sacramento Department of Public Works